Accessing YouTube Lessons
How to access pre-recorded classes through YouTube
Step 1
Each week you will be sent a link to a private video which you will be granted access to through the email address which you have given as your primary contact at The Conservatoire (this is also the email address which you are receiving this message on).
If the email address you have given is a Google/Gmail address then Skip to Step 2, if it is not then you will need to do one of the following:
a) Go to - click ‘sign in’, then click create account, fill in your name, fill in the email field with your current email address and choose a password.
b) Send us your existing Google / YouTube email address
Email with the subject ‘ONLINE CLASSES EMAIL ADDRESS’ and include in your message the pupil’s name and your Google email address or an email address you sign in to YouTube. This will then become the address which you use to ‘sign in’ to view your lessons.
(Future correspondence will still be sent to your primary contact email).
c) Create a Gmail account
Go to - click ‘sign in’, then ‘create account’, fill in your name and click ‘Create a Gmail account instead’ create a then email this to us with the subject ‘ONLINE CLASSES EMAIL ADDRESS’ - include the pupil’s name and your newly created Google email address in the message. This will then be the address which you use to ‘sign in’ to view the video.
(Any future correspondence will still be sent to your primary email).
Step 2
Click your YouTube link and ‘sign in’ with your email address.
Press play and enjoy!