Children and Young People (8-15 yrs)
Welcome to our festive programme for children and young people aged 8-15 in December 2021. All the courses below can be booked by giving us a call on 02088520234 or by popping in to see us at reception. For more information you can also email
You can also find some festive events on our Events page, including Wreath Making, Advent Calendar Workshop and our annual production of The Nutcracker.

The Artmare Before Christmas! (Art, 8-14 yrs)
Tuesday 14th December, 16.00 - 18.00 (£20)
Inspired by Tim Burton’s Nightmare before Christmas this 2 hour workshop will explore holiday storytelling with a twist. Create your own 4 panel seasonal cartoon in ink, to print as spooky, fun card and collaborate with others to add it to a class Zine. We will explore storytelling, comic narrative, gothic style drawing and pen and ink!
Tutor: Salina Jane
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Panto In A Day! (Drama, 8-15 yrs)
Saturday 18th December, 09.30 - 15.30 (£50)
He’s behiiiind yoouu! Come along to the Conservatoire to explore the great British tradition of the pantomime! A fun-filled day packed with silliness galore – learn what makes a pantomime tick, from the tallest point of a dame’s wig, to the shiny gleam on Buttons’ buttons. There will be a sing song or two, gags a plenty, and lots to learn... and Christmas is officially on its way! (Oh no it isn’t!) (OH YES IT IS!) Bring a packed lunch for day long courses – please no nuts!
Tutor: Alice Palmer & Stella von Koskull
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