Matisse Collage

Matisse & Cut Out Collage (5-11 yrs)

Wednesday 14th February, 09.30 - 15.30 (£64)

Come along to the Conservatoire for a day of creativity! We will craft abstract multimedia collaged artworks in flat cardboard trays, inspired by the artist Matisse and the planets and galaxies in the sky. We will then create and decorate frames around these pictures, so that we can display them at home! Finally, we’ll design and decorate a matching t-shirt based on your collages, using fabric pens and crayons. Then you can proudly wear your outer-space artwork home!

Tutor: Nicola Corrigan

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Out Of This World Spaceships! (6-12 yrs)

Wednesday 14th February, 09.30 - 15.30 (£64)

Design and create your own fantasy spaceship, built out of air-drying clay. Learn how to shape clay to create a unique spacecraft, inspired by space rockets of the past, from sci-fi and from our own wonderful imaginations. We will be decorating our spaceships in bright colours, and may even have time to create an alien or astronaut to live in our creation!

Tutor: Ellie Osborne

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How To Draw And Drea

How To Draw & Dream (6-12 yrs)

Thursday 15th February, 09.30 - 15.30 (£64)

Come along to the Conservatoire for a day of drawing! Together we will look at painters, stage designers, and other artists who use distortion of space to tell a story and portray a journey. We’ll look at stories and fairytales and how we can create their worlds in different ways; how would you show Alice falling down the rabbit hole, or Peter Pan flying to Neverland? Our day will include drawing from observation and imagination, cutting and collaging elements of our drawings together and painting our final dreamlike creations.

Tutor: Fiona Berry

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How Do Aliens

How Do Aliens See Earth? (3-5 yrs)

Thursday 15th February, 09.30 - 11.30 (£24)

Let’s look at the earth from outer space, like the aliens do! Taking inspiration from the work of Patrick Heron, we will be taking a line for a walk with drawing and cutting with scissors... using spray paint, stencils, and tape, we will create the spectacular shapes and colours of the universe! We will also make a UFO using paper plates, adding buttons and switches, and we’ll make an alien creature to fly it! Perhaps they will visit us?

Tutor: Sue Harris

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Jackson Pollock and The Milky Way (4-7 yrs)

Thursday 15th February, 12.30 - 14.30 or 15.00 - 17.00 (£24)

Have you ever wanted to throw paint around!? Well, flicking paint like Jackson Pollock is a great way to make paintings that look like space! We will make bleeding tissue planets as well as exploring other materials and techniques, such as rolling marbles in paint, and using salad spinners like Damien Hurst. We can make a mobile too, by painting polystyrene balls to make our very own planets!

Tutor: Sue Harris

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Picasso Planets

Picasso & The Planets (5-11 yrs)

Friday 16th February, 09.30 - 15.30 (£64)

In this workshop you will design, draw and decorate a Space Adventure backpack using fabric pens and fabric collage. Use this to carry everything for your adventures! We’ll design a beautiful poster to show our outer-space explorations using found words, pictures, collage and inspiration from Picasso. We’ll also create a story memory box and a sketchbook to capture all of our interstellar inspiration! Come along for a day filled with creativity.

Tutor: Nicola Corrigan

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Whats In My Astronaut Bag

What’s In My Astronaut Bag? (3-5 yrs)

Friday 16th February, 09.30 - 11.30 or 12.30 - 14.30 (£24)

NASA have recruited you and now you need to pack your astronaut bag! What would you need if you were heading out into the atmosphere on your space travel adventures? Come along to this class and make a backpack, a telescope, a map of the solar system and a space helmet... you’ll be well prepared! What else will you need?

Tutor: Sue Harris

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Pale Blue Dot

The Pale Blue Dot (4-7 yrs)

Friday 16th February, 15.00 - 17.00 (£24)

“The Pale Blue Dot” is the name of a photograph of planet earth taken on Feb 14th 1990 by Voyager 1 Space probe... from 6 billion kilometres away! Wow! Look at the work of Hilma af Klimt and be inspired by her use of shapes and lines to make our own beautiful planets with chalk pastels. We will also make a woven planet using different threads of different textures and patterns. What colours will your planets be?

Tutor: Sue Harris

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